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Online Project Days

Fully Flexible

---- 1, 2, 3, or 4 days ----

--- You choose how many lessons you'd like ---

We'll fit into any teaching schedule


How do these days work?

We use our specially adapted courses for online, focusing on our strong core of games, activities geared towards speaking, performance & English immersion.

We'll also end each set of project days with a mini, online performance that you and your students can keep. You'll be amazed what your students can create in such a short period of time!

Are these days flexible?

Yes - You can chose how many days you'd like (from 1-4), and for these days, you can also decide the number of lessons.

When & Where?

These Online project days can happen whenever suits you best - Typically, we have 2,3, or 4 days in a row, but if you'd like them spread out over multiple weeks, this is also possible -- All we need is the use of your classrooms, connected to an online meeting provider (Zoom, Teams etc..)

Would you like a free demonstration lesson?

Simply give us a call, send us an email, or use the button below to contact us about how to arrange a free online demonstration lesson whenever suits you best!

Suitable for Classes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8

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Are the lessons easy to set up?


We'll show you exactly what to do, and even send you the equipment you need if necessary to ensure quality video & audio!

Key facts

​1-4 days - 6-24 lessons

Total immersion

Modern, speaking focused lessons

Dynamic, Creative

& Fun

Flexible to your needs

Value for money

Easy to organise

Lessons when you want them

Free demonstrations

Only native English speaking teachers


We have simple, fixed rates for these Online Project days - Let us know how many students, days & lessons you have mind, and we'll give you a quote!


Apollogasse 4

1070, Wien


Mon - Fri :

9am - 7pm

Sat :

10am - 12pm



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0800 656698 / 067763752928


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Thanks for your email! We'll be in touch shortly!

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